Wednesday, September 09, 2009


The United States has “flirted” with Universal Health Care since WWII, while other nations have had it almost since then. We tend to be the last hold-out for may things. We are one of only a few small countries that do not use the metric system, for example, and it has cost us dearly in the economic arena. This is different, however.

The time has come for us to joint the remainder of the civilized world and make sure ALL of our citizens have access to the best health care available. The detractors of the bill keep saying that we have the best health care system in the world, and that others come here for care. What is true, is that we have some of the best health care in the world available here. Unfortunately, between having nearly 47 million people uninsured, and a large part of the remainder prevented from accessing the best care by their profiteering insurance companies, most of us do not get to use all that wonderful health care and, if it’s not available to you, it simply doesn’t exist for you (although you can bet it exists for Congress!).

NOW IS THE TIME for President Obama to finally act like a President, not a mediator. TAKE A STAND, MR. PRESIDENT! No Public option, no signature. After three generations, we can no longer afford “triggers” and incremental change. Too many people will die while we give the insurance companies a few more years to ignore lives and health.

Mr. President, IF NOT NOW, WHEN?


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