Monday, February 20, 2006

Is this for real?

In the 1940's it was Quisling; now, it's Bush.

Let's see. On September 11, 2001, we were attacked by Arab Islamic fundamentalists. Since then, out troops have fought and died in Afghanistan, Iraq, and numerous other places around the globe to punish those responsible, and prevent further attacks.

Now, our president has decided to turn control of our busiest ports, though which oil as well as most consumer goods pass, to the United Arab Emirates. Now, call me crazy, but isn't this the equivalent of turning the same ports over to Austria during World War II? Is President Bush so incredibly naïve that he believes this is a good idea, or is he simply so uncaring about the security of the United States that he is willing to turn our security over to a state whose relationship to terrorism is questionable, just to ensure a higher income for his corporate buddies?

President Bush, you took an oath, twice, to "preserve, protect and defend . . ." Either live up to that oath or resign. If you do neither, then perhaps a special prosecutor needs to be appointed to investigate your own relationship to the Saudis, Dubai, and various other countries and their rulers to see if your actions have been influence by personal gain or simply incompetence.


At Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:22:00 PM, Blogger K said...

The more I read your blogs, the more I seem to like your thinking patterns.You got a balanced mind with a revolutionary edge.

At Sunday, March 05, 2006 2:07:00 AM, Blogger Diogenes said...

Thanks. I try.


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