I have waited a brief period before commenting upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC because a) I wanted time to read the decision and, b) I wanted time to “cool down.” I’ve had both and here is my analysis.
The “Bush packed” ultra conservative “Roberts” Court is packed not with true conservatives, but Bush era corporate lackeys whose obligation appears to be to their corporate friends rather than to the People of the United States or their Constitution. A true conservative Court would not have washed away more than a century of legislative protections from the corporate dominance that Thomas Jefferson feared, and Americans enjoyed – until now. A true conservative Court would have shown deference to a century of precedent, as C.J. Roberts promised during his confirmation hearings, not decide to legislate from the bench, as this decision does.
In retrospect, (then) “Judge” Robert’s testimony at his confirmation hearings reveal a disingenuous conservative that seems completely insensitive to the realities of our Republic. I’m sure, in reviewing previous jurisprudence of the Court, he can find other precedents that “need” to be overturned. I know he’s aiming at Roe v. Wade, but perhaps this Court will continue by first reversing Brown v. Board of Education.
If there is one lesson to be learned from this decision, and from the oligarchic legacy of G.W. Bush, it is to reinforce the aphorism that “power corrupts, and absolute power (in the form of a Republican majority/”rubber stamp” in both houses of Congress and the Presidency) corrupts absolutely.”
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