Monday, March 08, 2010


Today, President Obama spoke at Arcadia University about the need for health care reform, while the Republicans, through Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, declared that if the Democrats pass health reform legislation without them, then every election in November will be a referendum on the current health care bill. Mr. McConnell forgets one thing – if the Democrats do not pass the health care legislation, then every election in November will be a referendum on the Democrats’ legislative incompetence and inability to govern!

As I stated in previous entries, while I do not like this bill, and would make significant changes to it if I could, I would rather have it than nothing and let the insurance companies get away with the fraud, larceny, misrepresentation and intentional prevention of people getting life saving care, not to mention knowingly ruining the medical profession (especially Internal Medicine and Family Medicine), just to boost their “bottom line.”

To the President, I say, I agree,” Mr. President; “If not now, when, if not us, who?” To Mr. McConnell, I ask; How many more people must die before Republicans admit to the problems with private insurance companies running everything (AIG did a great job, didn’t they)? Finally, to the insurance companies, I offer the only thing they really need and deserve – a fair trial at Nuremberg!


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