Tuesday, March 07, 2006

South Dakota Strikes Blow For Tyrany

South Dakota, today, proved conclusively that evolution of humans from a form of proto-humans not only is proven, but that some of those proto-humans have survived, taken up residence in South Dakota, and have been elected to the legislature and the Governor's office. I can think of no other explanation for the passage of an anti-abortion law, so draconian, as to remind one of cutting off of hands for the crime of theft.

I understand that those who believe that abortion is murder have a moral imperative to attempt to convince those of us who do not share their view that they are correct. I understand their renewed zeal to bind the hands of physicians in performing a procedure they feel should not be performed, in the wake of President Bush's appointment of known anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court. I even understand that we live in a democracy in which our elected representatives have both the right and the obligation to vote their consciences. I cannot understand their indifference to the plight of women who have been victimized by rape and incest and their insistence on doubling their plight by making them victims, again.

I cannot understand their imposing a felony conviction and up to a five year sentence on physicians who attempt to assist these women in putting their lives back together. I cannot understand making criminals of physicians who weigh the serious potential that a pregnancy impose on women with a variety of underlying medical conditions and want to reduce the risk to those women by removing a small ball of cells that would be recognized by no one as human without a DNA test.

The passage of this law is not only morally reprehensible and unconstitutional by any standards accepted by the civilized world, but in and of itself is the best argument against itself. Essentially, the existence of legislators who would victimize women in this way proves uncontrovertibly that abortion is a morally acceptable alternative to their existence. Their mothers should have had this simple procedure and prevented the rest of us from having to protect ourselves from their disdain for women's health and the need to defend our lives, our wives, and our legal rights from these petty tyrants.

I am put in mind of Thomas Jefferson's pronouncement that "[t]he tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


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