I remember when everyone was experimenting with , "six degrees of separation;" the mathematical theory that, given the population of our planet, anyone could be connected with anyone else by no more than six connections (if you could find them). Today we can see it no longer takes that many when you're dealing in oil. Haliburton announced that they are moving their headquarters to Dubai, in the United Arab Emerates.
Now, far be it for me to tell any company where their headquarters should be, even Haliburton. Still, it makes one wonder . . . First there was "Bush the Elder's" connection with the Saudi Royal House. I will not discuss "W's" connections with the same group of Arabs because it is too well known to warrant discussion (and if you don't know about it by now, you probably don't care anyway), but what about Dick Cheney? We all knew about his running Haliburton prior to becoming ( I cannot say "elected") Vice President of the United States. We all watched as Haliburton received billions of dollars in no-bid contracts from the federal government to rebuild Iraq after "W" waged an unncessary war that destroyed the infrastructure that country had. Can you say, "pork barrel?"
Now, however, we are faced with a new high in disingenuous behavior. Haliburton, having built Mr. Cheney's wealth, and grown rich and fat from the blood or our soldiers in Iraq, has now decided it is more an Arab company than an American one. It is moving form Texas to Dubai where, presumably, taxes are less and profits are higher.
Hmmm...., let's see, $9/11 => Saudis => Bush => Cheney => Haliburton => United Arab Emerates . . .$ Can anyone see a connection?
I would argue that we should not allow them to abscond with our money, but that would be shortsighted. Perhaps we are better off with them in Dubai. That way, we can simply learn out lesson and then treat them as the foreign corporation they really are. But who's going to move after this?
Dare we hope Dick Cheney and George W. Bush will be next?
You write very well.
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