Friday, March 12, 2010


Disingenuous: dis·in·gen·u·ous


lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere


This morning, the health insurance companies spoke out, once again, defending the position that their monopolies and double digit premium hikes during the past year were, of course, not their fault. Health costs are rising (“but let’s not have health reform”), companies are merging in order to give better service to their subscribers at reasonable prices (yeah, right!), and really, it’s OUR fault for even considering reforming health care and the way it’s paid for.

Health insurance companies are not evil, they say, just attempting to “maximize shareholder wealth;” which is another way of saying we got ours by taking yours, now go find some more for us to take."

Besides, why do non-profits need to maximize shareholder wealth when there are no shareholders? When will the other half of the people in this country (the ones who really believe it’s the evil lawyers, greedy doctors and “socialist” politicians who are to blame for trying to ruin “the best health care system in the world” open their eyes? When will they understand there is a difference between the best doctors and Medicine in the world (which is true) and the best health care system which is patently false? To them, I ask, “which planet do YOU come from?”

When one or two companies control more than 80% of each market, they can (and do) raise premiums as high as possible without justification, refuse to cover legitimate care, and then spend millions of premium dollars, not on health care, but on lobbyists to defeat health care reform.  That leaves the 48% of you that are saying, “I have health insurance so it isn’t my problem,” to turn off Glenn Beck (watching slapstick comedy is fun, but doesn’t help), read your own policies, and get ready to pay through the nose. Or, you can join the rest of us and demand that our politicians pass comprehensive health care reform NOW! The choice is yours, but I warn you, the rest of us will be too sick to catch you when you fall.


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