Tuesday, August 11, 2009

“Death Panels” and Other Silly Ideas . . .

   In my first course in Marketing, I learned that when necessary, one of the most useful ways to control consumer behavior is through fear; enter the knee jerk (read right wing) antagonists to health care reform in the US. There is no logical argument for maintaining our current, clearly dysfunctional health care network (it hasn't yet really earned the title of "system"), so the only way to "sell" blocking reform on behalf of the insurance companies is to make people afraid. We are hearing a rising volume of these scare tactics from such "enlightened" individuals as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and Glen Beck. They lack any evidence to support their claims, but none have ever been people who let facts get in the way of their opinions.

   I agree that the current iteration of health care reform legislation needs some substantial work before it is passed. There are many provisions with which I do not agree, and a great deal more I would like to see in the final bill. Let's be clear, though, that if the current bill were passed, just as it is, health care would still be markedly improved and more available than it currently is. By all means, let's get it right, but equally important, let's get it done!