Friday, December 10, 2010


The Republicans in Congress (especially the Senate) are acting like spoiled children having a collective tantrum because they can’t get their way every time.

When Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency, Democrats could get nothing past, while they were mostly a rubber stamp for the White House. Whether one liked it or not, though, they held the majority of votes through election, so there was nothing to do about it then.

When people became angry and voted them out of power in 2006, they pouted like spoiled children, but they still retained the power of the veto as long as George Bush was President so they were legitimately able to block most Democratic bills.

When President Obama was elected in 2008 and the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House, they became determined to allow no Democratic sponsored bill through. They allowed corporate bailouts because it benefited their patrons, the wealthy, and “Health Care” was forced through. but not until it was “compromised” into being largely eviscerated. Republicans have wielded the threat of a filibuster like a sword, and Democrats have not even had the fortitude to actually make them filibuster.

Now, their hubris has reached a new pinnacle. Republicans want all of their tax cuts for the wealthiest few percent of Americans, and they have publically stated that they will allow no bill to pass unless they get it; they even include a bill to care for the sick and dying First Responders of 9/11!

It is time for Democrats to act like responsible parents. When children have tantrums, you don’t reward them with attention, you ignore their acting out until they see they will get nowhere with it and stop. It’s time to take a vote on these bills, pass them with the simple majority the Constitution calls for, or force the Republicans to actually stand up on the floor of the Senate and filibuster. Let the public actually observe their tantrum.

Remember, 2012 is only two years away!