Monday, May 31, 2010



From Lexington and Concord to Valley Forge;

From Bunker Hill to the Battle of New Orleans;

From Fredericksburg to Gettysburg and Appomattox;

From Verdun to Chateau-Thierry and Normandy to Guadalcanal;

From Inchon to Pusan; Khe Sanh to Saigon;

From Debecka Pass and Fallujah to Tora Bora and Kandahar. . .


We live in the “Land of the Free” because it is also the “Home of the  Brave.”Our freedom is the most valuable thing America possesses, and it has been purchased with the blood of our citizens since before we were a nation through tomorrow.


On this Memorial Day, to all those who went in harm’s way and paid the price for our freedom, we say,

“Thank You.”